Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Single Man

Recently my husband and I were watching a rerun of the Oprah show in which Tom Ford and Colin Firth were promoting their movie, A Single Man. My husband turned to me and said "I wish I could dress like that everyday." And I replied, "why not?" One of the things I love about my husband is his sense of style. This is not something a lot of (American) women say, nor is it something I thought I'd ever be able to say. Working as a chemist, he doesn't dress up every day, but when he gets the opportunity he seizes it. Those opportunities have been increasing as of late, and his appetite for stylish clothes has increased accordingly.

I've always loved clothes and fashion, even if from afar in my pajamas, so I feel incredibly lucky to have married a man who not only encourages, but participates in, looking stylish and enjoying some of the finer things in life. I can take him to a dressing room and he actually has the ability to give me solid advice on what looks good on me. He really does have impeccable taste, so this post is to celebrate him and kick off some future posts on menswear inspiration.

While we have yet to watch the movie together, I can already predict that I will like it based on these themes alone: period piece, 1960s, directed by a man credited with reinventing GUCCI, set in California, Colin Firth. Finally, there is this quote from Tom Ford's interview with Oprah on his switch from fashion to movies: "Fashion is a reflection of where we are in contemporary culture, but it moves, moves, moves. It doesn't last," he says. "In film, you create a world that's forever sealed. It lasts forever. You can put in an old movie from the '30s and you're emoting and living and breathing with these people. And if you're someone who likes to design things, build things, create things, that's as close as you get to, you know, being God in our world, and it's permanent."

How many fashion designers could make that leap so successfully? Not many.

 If only I could get my hair like this without a Bumpit...
 Color-blocked deliciousness 
 How I picture my future-professor husband will someday dress on the job.


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