Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best Christmas Present

This is a hands-down, no contest answer. The best Christmas gift I ever received was my Samantha Parkington American Girl doll in the sixth grade. This was around the same time I had stopped believing in the flesh-and-blood existence of Santa Claus (Santa is about the spirit of the season, so yes I believe in Santa.) I had begged my mother for one of these (expensive) dolls for years. I also was skilled in the art of snooping for my gifts, so I pretty much knew what the line-up was going to be each holiday. However, in the sixth grade at Christmas, low and behold Santa brought me my SAMANTHA PARKINGTON DOLL complete with school desk, school accessories and lunch box!! This was one of the more fanciful gifts Santa had brought me...probably ever. So the fact that I didn't find the item in advance when I'd pretty much sniffed out the rest of my gift line up was...suspicious. It made me really start to second guess myself on this not believing in Santa business. I'm not sure when my mom finally divulged that she sent it to my grandparents' house (why on earth would she do THAT?) but it had me going for a second.
For a couple of reasons, Samantha reigns supreme on the best Christmas gifts EVA! One, she made me believe in the magic of Christmas. (Macy's helps keep this spirit alive in me, but Samantha started it!) Second, you are never, NEVER too old for these wonderful dolls. I'm not a doll or toy collector, but I could take each one of these home and have a high old time brushing their hair and reading their corresponding stories. They are fabulous toys for any child and serve to educate children on important points in America's history by bringing it to life in their homes.
I am sad to report that they have since "retired" Samantha, as well as my other favorite, Felicity, from their doll line up. (HOW can you retire your Revolutionary War doll, American Girl?!) I had long planned on getting Felicity for my unborn daughter because she had the prettiest outfits...and is educational!!...and has red hair. Which, on a side note, I always thought I'd have a red-headed child. The retirement of Felicity as well as my marriage to a man of Indian descent has brought me to the realization that this probably is not going to happen...
On a final note, if you are ever looking for an (expensive) gift for me, may I suggest the Julie Albright doll? Around the time I received my Samantha doll, I had also pined for American Girl (then Pleasant Company) to make a 60s/70s inspired doll. So inspired, I wrote them a note detailing why it was an important time in American history and letting them know that their fan base (a 12 year old me) would like a hippy doll in the line up. I got my wish, now I need the doll!! To top it all off, she's from San Francisco and has a Chinese best friend. She was made for me!!

A visit to American Girl Place in Los Angeles for my 27th birthday.
You are never too old for American Girl dolls!


Abz734 said...

I remember when you went to AG for your 27th bday. I was so excited for you! I received my first AG doll on my golden 7th birthday, and it was also Samantha! My second AG doll, recieved for Christmas in 6th grade, was Addy. I love this company so much that I actually worked for them for a year after college! Best job EVER! Product training was a room full of dolls and accessories that you had to play with. Can't wait until my daughter is old enough for the books :)

Lindsie said...

I was waiting for your comments. I remember that job, I was envious!!