Let's get something straight: trends aren't something I follow religiously. Rather, they are something I fall into accidentally, or haphazardly. "Hey look, the boho look is in...what a coincidence! Everything in my closet is new again!" True to my nature, I tend to wear whatever I want and say to hell with it being "in" or "out" or "last season". I think I still treat fashion like playing dress up: I'm playing a part. This is perhaps why I take things a bit literal. Should my level of taste drop any further, I might go, as Tim Gunn would put it, "costume".
Second, I'm not the biggest fan of the color blue. I look fine in blue...it's just a hard one for me to pull off. I think it's a mental block. Something about blue reads too modern for me...I do blue in small doses. Vintage navy blue pea coats and anything else that makes me look like a bearded sailor with a pipe off the coast of Maine. So that I ended up with Nails Inc.'s shade of blue called Baker Street can only be attributed to impulse...and post-knee surgery pain killer usage.
I saw Essie-Button's post on a Baker Street dupe, and something inside of me snapped. I had to have Baker Street. I had long admired it for the name, but thought it frivolous (who, me?) of me to purchase it based on the name alone. Blue nails? I could never. But something about it drew me in and ignored the hype stemming from Beyonce's Blue Ivy Carter nail tribute last winter. Perhaps being fresh off a Sherlock Season 2 DVD marathon and humming Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street nonstop (which I sing each time they say "221B Baker Street") had something to do with it. And really, doesn't this hue remind you of the smoky blue cast to GR's Baker Street video? No? Just me? Because really, if I'm going to do a trend, allow me to find the way to make what's new old again. Gerry, Benedict...these nails are for you. Hit it, G, and RIP.